Infant/Toddler Credential

Northeast Montessori Institute offers a year-round training format designed to offer enrolled adult learners a reasonable and manageable training schedule, providing year round courses and support. The Infant/toddler course is a blended program involving both in-person and online delivery.

Schedule for 2024-2025 Infant/Toddler Course

In-person courses held at

Wild Rose Montessori School 2284 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge, MA 02140

Summer 2024 

Week 1: July 8-12. In-person.

Week 2: July 15-19. In-person.

Summer 2025 

Week 1: June 30 - July 2. In-person.

Week 2: July 7-11 In-person.

Seminar dates

November 23-24, 2024. In-person.  

March 29-30, 2025. In-person.

October 25-26, 2025. In-person.

Child development (online)*

Winter 2025  : Dates TBD


The American Montessori Society and Northeast Montessori Institute require each Montessori teacher candidate to complete a nine-month teaching practicum in an infant, toddler or infant/toddler mixed aged classroom. To meet the student teaching requirement for teacher certification, the adult learner must teach in a Montessori classroom for at least a half-day session for a period of nine months.

The Student Teaching Practicum will begin after the summer session, or adult learners may wait until the completion of the academic phase. The requirement can be met in one of two ways: Supervised Teaching Practicum or Self-directed Teaching Practicum.

Hands-on Learning with Montessori Materials

NMI students will have the opportunity to practice lessons and engage with the materials during their in-person classes which are  held at Wild Rose Montessori School. The opportunity to learn within a primary classroom environment helps students to be immersed in a classroom environment and supports their learning of the Montessori lessons.

Anti-bias, Anti-racist Educational Practices at NMI.

During the training program, NMI adult learners will engage in a number of workshops focusing on Anti-bias, Anti-racist educational practices with an emphasis on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.  NMI strives to integrate this work through all courses throughout the program as well.

Ongoing support for adult learners

Northeast Montessori is committed to supporting adult learners as they complete their certification course and course requirements. This is done through regular check-ins with individual learners, weekly open office hours, and regular observations during their internship. We hope to create a community of support through training and beyond for all students enrolled at NMI.